But we have a REALLY big problem : Desync. Always. Here’s a video :
We search about script problem, but even without scripts, desync. Firewall opened. Netgraph is good i think.
In my local server ? Everything is perfect, no desync, perfect timing, with all the scripts. Same DB, same Server Files.
If someone already have this kind of problem, or a solution, we really need your help, because with a server at 150€/month, it’s pretty hard to see that…
[FR]Salut, j’ai pris un VPS 8go de RAM 3.2 quad core processeur et 100mb/s de connexion et j’ai exactement le même problème, l’hébergeur ne sait pas d’où ça peut venir et ça fonctionne niquel sur mon pc. (l’hébergeur est SHPV)
[EN]Hi, i have exactly the same problem with à VPS 8gb RAM and a quad core processeur 3.2hz. The VPS hoster don’t find where it come from
J’ai essayé avec un VPS OVH à 5€ , tout tourne nickel… Je sais pas d’où vient le probleme, personne ne sait, on dirait que c’est aléatoire limite.
I tried with a OVH VPS ( 5€), everything is fine, even with all my scripts… I don’t know where is the source of the problem, nobody know, random maybe ?
Did this ever get resolved without getting a new server? I got the server for several other games too and I’m paying around 150 too, but the desync is pretty harsh…
@ColtBennett that sounds pretty strange. The lower the ping the better the experience, that’s how most things work. Besides that, I’m running on a ping of 18-20 range while other devs are running on a 15-25 range. That difference makes cars fly, desync for quite a bit of distance and other strange things?