[HELP] HTML Colors

Hello, I want to change track-color at my qb-hud from dark grey to dark green etc. but there is said →
track-color=“grey-9” and when I change grey-9 to darkgreen it changes to black color and I dont know what the heck does the 9 at “grey-9” mean… someone help?

                        <q-circular-progress class="q-ml-xs" show-value :value="health" size="45px" :thickness="0.2" color="green" track-color="grey-9" center-color="grey-10"><q-icon name="fas fa-heart" size="19px" color="white"/>

grey-9 is a shade of grey that is defined in HTML i’d suggest looking into colour hexes you should just be able to remove the “” and just paste something like #67eb34
you can get hex colour codes by searching colour picker in google

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