HELP!! How to use ESX.Game.GetClosestObject

Hello! I’m creating an bank robbery script and i need help closing a door on player load.
Currently i tried to use normal stuff and it didn’t work i had to use while true do to fix it but thats not really an fix.
I think i know what the issue is, it’s the ESX.Game.GetClosestObject(nil, vector3(x,y,z)) I shouldn’t use nil but thats the only thing that works, i didn’t understand via looking at other peoples code.

My code :

function lockdoor(lock, x, y, z)


        local coords = vector3(x,y,z)

        local obs, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestObject(nil, vector3(x,y,z))

        FreezeEntityPosition(obs, lock)



    lockdoor(true, 262.11251831055,221.86441040039,106.28517150879)

    lockdoor(true, 252.42054748535,220.74656677246,101.68347930908)

    lockdoor(true, 261.64138793945,215.13702392578,101.68347930908)


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