[HELP] esx_vehicleshop Push to buy is not

I can not press to buy a car
I will have to fix it. Who will help me?!

I have a problem like you :disappointed_relieved:

I had the same issue it took going back through all the SQL add-ons and making sure the tables were added correctly.

One of the SQL files I had run had produced a small error and therefore not finished adding the SQL tables.

In the end on this one, I decided to reinstall the database from scratch and everything has worked flawlessly since.

solution? i have a problem.

Ever figure this out ? I’ve been looking everywhere and cant find a fix

can help me, with my problem on esx_vehicleshop??? PRICE BUG

Cognoscenti COUPE : Text is 55 , but sell is 55.000 … i don’t know why i have this problem…

I have this problem with the NO.
It doesnt do anything.

I guess normal when you choose no it should close the menu.