[Help ESX Jobs] Gamepad left stick acting as mouse

Hey, I’m trying to get my head around ESX jobs. On my friend’s server I was really getting confused what is causing the left analog stick on the controller to act as a mouse. Then I was on the ESX taxi job. I noticed the issue stopped when I was back unemployed. Right now whilst adding the police job on my server, I noticed the same happened again.

I assume the jobs must be adding gamepad keybinds that have the unfortunate side effect of causing the left stick mouse issue for some reason.

Is there any way to disable this? I have my game in borderless windowed mode, and for some reason Bandicam (screen recording) cannot detect FiveM in game mode, so I have to have it set in desktop mode which puts a auto-hiding overlay menu up the top of the screen, so the mouse keeps triggering it due to the above of the left stick acting as a mouse so it’s very annoying lmao.