
I use SESX not ESX.
I have done this so do not bother to say it again.
Config.EnableHud = false – enable the default hud? Display current job and accounts (black, bank & cash)

I have an idea for a possible fix but I do not know where to look in the folders of es_extended.
Many people have problem with this so it is about time we find a solution.

After a lot of testing the problem happens when I press ESC to go to the map interface and click ESC to go back to the game and after a couple of minutes in game it spawns itself.

Do you know how to hide this?

1st Solution:
I found this.
It makes you hide the money hud by assigning a key of your choice in game.

Could this be like running non stop in the background [the part that hides the money only] I do not know yet.

I ve tried setting the key to ESC but it does not work with the current script.

That is the final solution.

Go to essentialmode/es_ui and open ui.html :

Then at line 37 replace :

document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = "<div><font style='color: rgb(0, 125, 0); font-weight: 700; margin-right: 6px;'>" + moneyIcon + "</font>" + addCommas(item.money);

By :

document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = "<div style='visibility: hidden;'><font style='color: rgb(0, 125, 0); font-weight: 700; margin-right: 6px;'>" + moneyIcon + "</font>" + addCommas(item.money);

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