[HELP] ES_EXTENDED doesn't load JOBS

Hello everyone, I am trying to develop a game mode with ESX LEGACY, i managed to setted up the double job (setjob and setjob2) in the es_extended and in database too, but something is happening and i don’t understand why:

[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offpolice" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offpolice" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offpolice" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offpolice" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offpolice" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offambulance" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offambulance" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offambulance" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job2 grades for "offambulance" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job grades for "unemployed2" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job grades for "reporter" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job grades for "wingstopp" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job grades for "wingstopp" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job grades for "wingstopp" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job grades for "wingstopp" due to missing job
[  script:es_extended] [WARNING] Ignoring job "wingstop"due to no job grades found

And then the esx_society:

[  script:esx_society] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_society/server/main.lua:26: attempt to index a nil value (field '?')
[  script:esx_society] > callback (@esx_society/server/main.lua:26)
[  script:esx_society] > fn (@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua:226)

The esx_society line:

	local result = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM jobs', {})

	for i=1, #result, 1 do
		Jobs[result[i].name] = result[i]
		Jobs[result[i].name].grades = {}

	local result2 = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM job_grades', {})

	for i=1, #result2, 1 do
		Jobs[result2[i].job_name].grades[tostring(result2[i].grade)] = result2[i]

Probably you are thinking “This dude didn’t set up the jobs”, but it’s not like that, i will attach screens about my database:



Is there a way to fix this? Cause i really don’t understand the problem, because the esx_society line is about the Mysql reading the jobs in the database, that are all there…

Hope someone of you can help me!

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for some you are missing the job grades and for some you needd to add the jobs

Unluckily not, i already checked that (was the first thing i did), and i have every job and grade that is saying is missing or ignoring.
It seems a sort of reading error, but i don’t understand why, because when i just set 1 of those jobs that are getting ignored, and i can set them without problems.