Help Disabling Ped Idle Animations

So, I have a simple little script that disables the idle cams on foot and in vehicle, and stores the users preference via KVP, however I’ve had people request that I disable the idle animations the player does.

Digging through GTA5Mods, I found some mods that replace these idle animation files, which happen to be move_m@generic_idles@std.ycd and move_f@generic_idles@std.ycd, however I’m unfamiliar with how one would go about disabling them.

If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate them.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Didn’t try but maybe checking every X seconds with IsEntityPlayingAnim - FiveM Natives @ Docs and cancel it or replacing the .ycd with a custom animation.

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Coming back to this discussion, I did try that native, but no luck, therefore I dug through and found the ycd animation files responsible for mp male and mp female.



No idea how to replace these

Hey! I was asking myself the same question, and looked into how I could disable it. After doing some research, I ended up creating an empty animation ycd in AnimKit and it surprisingly worked. Basically the idle animation just gets overwritten with an empty one. For anyone who stumbles accross this thread in the future, here is the resource to disable the character idle animation. (919 Bytes)

I hope this will help someone ^^


Wanted to shout out and say big thanks for this! We just put it in for testing and worked immeadiately!

I wish this helped me, but i made the mistake of downloading those animations… an sadly this script didn’t help me… i wish they did…