Help! Currupt Staff's not all! Investigate please!

i would like to report Sweden | Lunds ROLEPLAY | - | 32 SLOT/
server for admin abuse. Admin’s are talking shit about people’s personal life.(have picture on shit talk in Swedish) There is alot to investigate from the staffs side. please dont just take my word for it go check it out.
i can probobly get more reposts here about Lunds Staffs from the people there, that are really sick on some of them staffs!

Good Regards

Alexander Boström

Nobody here is going to do anything about that. The collective don’t care about how people run their communities as long as they are abiding by the FiveM TOS. While shit talking people is mean its not against the TOS so best thing for you to do is to just leave that community alone and block anyone who is bothering you.

We had a disscution and we are done and solved the problem! So please remove this Topic
