I am making a script for my server at 24/7 shops which spawns a NPC and you have to aim at him to get the money. The problem is that they are disappearing for no reason. Here is the code I have to create them, if someone knows what Im missing…
DecorRegister("storerobbery", 2)
local clerk = CreatePed(5, clerkData["model"], position.x, position.y, position.z, position.h)
SetEntityAsMissionEntity(clerk, true, true)
SetNetworkIdExistsOnAllMachines(PedToNet(clerk), true)
SetEntityCanBeDamaged(clerk, false)
SetPedCombatAttributes(clerk, 46, true)
SetPedFleeAttributes(clerk, 0, 0)
SetEntityInvincible(clerk, true)
SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(clerk, true)
FreezeEntityPosition(clerk, true)
SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(PedToNet(clerk), true)
DecorSetBool(clerk, "isRobbable", true)
DecorSetBool(clerk, "storerobbery", true)
table.insert(networkedClerks, {
["store"] = store,
["clerk"] = PedToNet(clerk)