(HELP) Character GTA O

Hello, I have a doubt hanging around my head. Is it possible to copy your character from GTA O to fivem?:thinking: or is there any way to create one like in the gtao? I have an ESX server. Thanks in advance. live the Role_PLay! (sorry for my english):grimacing:

No way to just copy and paste it. You will need to remake it if the character creator on the server you play on allows that sort of creation detail.

thanks for responding, I am currently using the esx_skin and esx_skinchanger, so I have seen these scripts do not do or do not allow me to do it, do you know any resource that can serve me or directly I have to do it from scratch as you told me before? I repeat thank you very much for answering :+1:

Uhm honestly I am not sure. You will just need to search around.