[Help] can anyone help with gcphone 3

police and ambulance get messages but mechanics dont can anyone help

im using this gcphone

police and ambulnace get message and distress signal but mechanics dont can anyone help

this is the gc phone im using GCPhone v3

Having the same problem here, anyone?

have no luck with it no one has answered me i have asked everywhere

i got it fixed

What ended up fixing the problem?

wasnt me that fixed it my friend did

Elbichop | Twich#3878 tell me

tell u what

can you ask your friend to explain us too pls

ill ask but he wont have time he has stuff to do

Your problem is that your mechanic job is called mechanic (in the database). You have to go to gcphone script and change the mecano job to mechanic. If you can’t find it, please let me know.

Could you tell me where specifically locate this?

i have a white screen when i take my phone

do you get any errors >?

no that is the problem, i can do anything

I honestly dont know i had the same problem with gcphonev2 but the v3 worked fine for me
have you tried editing something ?

is it ESX or VRP or VRPex?

I get the same error on esx.

what error is it