[Help] Adding item information in unique items

The function “player:receiveItem” works fine for another item but for some reason this doesn’t work. I am receiving the item but the item doesn’t have any information

This is the event triggered to give the player the item, this is on the server side of a resource that is triggered on the client side

AddEventHandler("ems:extractblood:player", function()
	local src = source
	--local target = tonumber(TargetID)
	local user = exports["trp-core"]:getModule("Player"):GetUser(src)
	local char = user:getCurrentCharacter()
	--print(char.first_name.." "..char.last_name)
	information = {
		["Name"] = char.first_name .. " " ..char.last_name,
		["BloodType"] = char.firstname,
		["Test"] = char.firstname

	TriggerClientEvent("player:receiveItem", src, "emptybloodvial", 1, true, information)

This is the function called to give the player the item, it is in a client.js file

on('player:receiveItem', async (id, amount, generateInformation, itemdata, returnData = '{}', devItem = false) => {
    if (!(id in itemList)) {
        //Try to hash the ID
        let hashed = GetHashKey(id);
        if (hashed in itemList) {
            id = hashed;
        } else {
            //If item is still not found, try to find by name
            Object.keys(itemList).forEach(function (key) {
                if (itemList[key].displayname.toLowerCase().trim().replace(' ', '') === id.toLowerCase().trim().replace(' ', '')) {
                    id = key;

    let combined = parseFloat(itemList[id].weight) * parseFloat(amount);
    if ((parseFloat(personalWeight) > maxPlayerWeight || parseFloat(personalWeight) + combined > maxPlayerWeight) && !devItem) {
        emit('DoLongHudText', id + ' fell on the ground because you are overweight', 2);
        let droppedItem = { slot: 3, itemid: id, amount: amount, generateInformation: generateInformation, data: Object.assign({}, itemdata), returnData: returnData };
        cid = exports.trp_manager.isPed("cid");
        emitNet('server-inventory-open', GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), cid, '42069', "Drop-Overweight", { "items": [droppedItem] });
            response: 'GiveItemChecks',
            id: id,
            amount: amount,
            generateInformation: generateInformation,
            data: Object.assign({}, itemdata),
            returnData: typeof returnData === 'string' ? returnData : JSON.stringify(returnData || {}),

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