Heavy texture loss occurs only on one specific server

I’ve played on several different servers in the past, and they all worked perfectly fine even with the graphics set to the highest settings. However, a few days ago, when my friends and I joined a new server, they experienced no texture loss while playing. Unfortunately, after playing for about 10-20 minutes, I started experiencing texture loss. In an attempt to resolve the issue, I lowered all the graphics settings to the lowest and restarted the game. Surprisingly, it didn’t help and made things even worse. All the roads, buildings, and grass disappeared, leaving only trees visible. I even tried reinstalling FiveM completely, which provided temporary improvement upon joining the server for the first time, but the problem persisted upon subsequent logins. Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? If so, is there a solution to fix this?

Let the server owner know about the issue you are having. If they are competent they can fix the issue on their end (for everyone involved).

The issue is either caused by unoptimized add on assets (be it maps, vehicles, clothes etc) or loading too many models in general without setting them as no longer needed once loaded (I have seen many vehicle shops do this, just loading loading loading and never unloading).

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