Headlight Support

Is there a way to disable the Vehicle car lights? i mean this thing here : https://imgur.com/gallery/nNSZu2Q

Did you ever play gta at all…

Press H

Dude im serious… gtfo

Im not meaning that… i want to disable the light but not the texture… i dont know how to explain that

some lightSettings values in carvariations hide some lights coronas, but not all, by example lightSettings ID value 3 will remove taillights coronas, i don’t know if some IDs remove front coronas but some can fit better, for your chevelle the 8 can double the headlight coronas and would fit better.
Check here, it explain 9 first IDs, but there is thousands :wink:

There is also some mods to remove them, but i don’t tried it on FiveM, if you can share graphics.ytd it would do the trick.

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You could make a very simple script to handle this. Does it matter if NPCs have lights that work? This will disable lights in player’s vehicles:

	while true do
		local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)
		if vehicle ~= nil and vehicle > 0 then
			-- https://runtime.fivem.net/doc/natives/#_0x1FD09E7390A74D54
			SetVehicleLightsMode(vehicle, 1)

You can disable NPC headlights too, if needed I can show you how.

what does exactly this script? totally turn off headlights? or only remove light coronas but keeps the headlight glowing and light bleam?

It turns off the headlights and keeps them off.

// 0x1FD09E7390A74D54 
// SetVehicleLightsMode
void _SET_VEHICLE_LIGHTS_MODE(Vehicle vehicle, int p1);
p1 can be either 0, 1 or 2.  
Determines how vehicle lights behave when toggled.  
0 = Default (Lights can be toggled between off, normal and high beams)  
1 = Lights Disabled (Lights are fully disabled, cannot be toggled)  
2 = Always On (Lights can be toggled between normal and high beams)