Have Problem with server listing (My Server)

**Server Artifact Version:Newest
**Operating System (Windows/Linux):Linux
Error screenshot (if any):
**Crash files (if any):Don"t Have
**Server config (server.cfg):Down
**Path to server files:home/Dzousef/fivem
**Path to cfx-server-data files:home/Dzousef/fivem/server-data

**Describe your issueServer not appear in server list
**What have you tried?Everything what i found on forum

My ports are open


Only change the IP if you’re using a server with multiple network interfaces, otherwise change the port only.

endpoint_add_tcp “”
endpoint_add_udp “”
set mysql_connection_string "server=localhost;database=essentialmode
set es_enableCustomData 1

These resources will start by default.

ensure mapmanager
ensure chat
ensure spawnmanager
ensure sessionmanager
ensure fivem
ensure hardcap
ensure ■■■■■■■
ensure scoreboard
start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql
start es_extended
start async
start es_admin2
start trew_hud_ui

start esx_menu_default
start esx_menu_list
start esx_menu_dialog

start pNotify
start essentialmode
start es_extended
start cron
start RealAITraffic
start instance
start RealisticVehicleFailure


set mysql_debug true

#start GHMattiMySQL

start esx_addons_gcphone
start gcphone

start vdk_call
start esx_scoreboard
stop scoreboard
#start esx_status
start sesx_assets
start esx_inventoryhud
start esx_license
start esx_identity
start esx_datastore
start esx_addoninventory
start esx_society
start esx_billing
start esx_addonaccount
start esx_skin
start esx_duty
start esx_doorlock
start esx_ambulancejob
start esx_vehicleshop
start esx_eden_garage
start esx_mecanojob
start esx_rpchat
start esx_animations
start bob74_ipl
start RadarWhileDriving
start disabledispatch

start esx_locksystem
start chat-theme-civlifechat
start crouch-n-prone
start garfield_pausemenu
start vannouncer
start advanced_reportsystem
start esx_nocarjack
#start esx_voice
start esx_property
start esx_vangelico_robbery
start esx_GiveCarKeys
start esx-kr-vehicle-push
start esx-blarglebus
start esx_lscustom
start esx_bennys
start handsup
start esx_policejob

start esx_eden_clotheshop
start esx_jailer
start esx_joblisting
start esx_jobs
start esx_AdvancedFuel
start esx_shops
start esx_drugs
start esx_slideui
#load screen
start loading
start esx_lootDeadbody

start skinchanger

#start vrp_ghmattimysql
#start vrp
#start vrp_ladderhud

#start Compass-and-street-name-HUD
#start esx_securitycam

#start new_banking
start jsfour-atm
start hrp_pd_impound
start esx_status
start esx_basicneeds
start nocross

start esx_mechanicjob
start esx_mafiajob2
start esx_realestateagentjob
#start esx_armyjob
start esx_taxijob
start esx_unicornjob
start esx_vigneronjob
start qalle_coords
#start InteractSoundS
#start seatbelt
start vehcontrol
start Asser-Indicators
start fivem-realisticvehicle
start esx_weashops
start esx_carthief
start fingerpoint
start esx_cartel
start esx_gangjob
start esx_bikerjob
start esx_borrmaskin
start esx_fbi_job
start discord
start esx_discord_bot
start esx_holdup
start esx_lawyerjob
start esx_truckerjob

start NativeUI
#start eup-stream
#start eup-ui
start esx_accessories

start esx_borrmaskin
start esx_holdupbank
start esx_borrmaskin

start GTRLB2
start bentley
start mantys
start 16challenger
start 16m5
start 17m760i
start 124spider
start 488
start 750li
start a8lfsi
start scpd1
start scpd2
start G65
start azbalgrov
start acs8
start aperta
start bugattilspd
start ds3
start everest
start lambo
start M4
start bantly
start gtr
start f150
start fc15
start lambo
start fiat500
start G63
start lspd
start mteche39
start mustang
start foxct
start pista
start punto
start r8ppi
start sandero
start S2000AP2
start rs318
start rs7
start rs5
start ram
start AMG
start r8ppi
start sian
start statecar
start stateplane
start stelvio
start tz3
start x6m
start E63
start 6x6
start chevrolet
start code3carpack
start plane
start rangerover
start mercedes
start rolsak
start merc
start Captain14_FBI
start Captain14_LSPD
start Captain14_Sheriff
start polaventa
start subaruimpreza
start pol718


add_principal group.admin group.user
add_ace resource.es_extended command.add_ace allow
add_ace resource.es_extended command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.es_extended command.remove_principal allow

This allows players to use scripthook-based plugins such as the legacy Lambda Menu.

Set this to 1 to allow scripthook. Do note that this does not guarantee players won’t be able to use external plugins.

sv_scriptHookAllowed 0

Uncomment this and set a password to enable RCON. Make sure to change the password - it should look like rcon_password “YOURPASSWORD”

#rcon_password “removed”

A comma-separated list of tags for your server.

For example:

sets tags “roleplay, RescueRP, fun, drifts, czech, czechia, esx, seriousrp”


- sets tags “roleplay, military, tanks”

A valid locale identifier for your server’s primary language.

sets locale “cs-CZ”

please DO replace root-AQ on the line ABOVE with a real language! :slight_smile:

Set an optional server info and connecting banner image url.

Size doesn’t matter, any banner sized image will be fine.

#sets banner_detail “https://url.to/image.png
#sets banner_connecting “https://url.to/image.png

Set your server’s hostname

sv_hostname "^0[^5CZ/SK^0]^2​:fire:RescueRP^2​:fire: ^0| ^6​:unlock:WL-OFF​:unlock: ^0|^215K Do Začátku ^0| ^8​:exclamation:^0Volné Frakce^5​:exclamation: ^0|^2​:zap:Nový Server​:zap: ^0| :bulb:^3Hodně Scriptů:bulb: "

Nested configs!

#exec server_internal.cfg

Loading a server icon (96x96 PNG file)

#load_server_icon myLogo.png

convars which can be used in scripts

set temp_convar “hey world!”

Uncomment this line if you do not want your server to be listed in the server browser.

Do not edit it if you do want your server listed.

#sv_master1 “”

Add system admins

add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don’t allow quit
add_principal identifier.fivem:1 group.admin # add the admin to the group

Hide player endpoints in external log output.

sv_endpointprivacy true

Server player slot limit (must be between 1 and 32, unless using OneSync)

sv_maxclients 32

Steam Web API key, if you want to use Steam authentication (https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey)

-> replace “” with the key

set steam_webApiKey “removed”

License key for your server (https://keymaster.fivem.net)

sv_licenseKey removed


make sure that 30110 is also open. That is the port that lists your server.

port 30110 is closed
but idk how to open him
I have VPS Ubuntu

Hi. Open SSH and run these commands:

sudo ufw allow 30110/tcp
sudo ufw allow 30110/udp

and then restart the serivce

sudo ufw disable 
sudo ufw enable

ok i am going to start server and wait

did it work?

nope :smiley:

Go on your port website and check 30110