Happy Holidays Team!

I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the moderators, developers, and owners, whoever is responsible for all of this! Thank you for enduring the challenges and inconveniences you face on a daily basis. I’m constantly monitoring the forums and Discord like a dedicated stalker daily. Your team serves as a tremendous source of inspiration, considering the constant difficulties you handle. Nevertheless, you consistently provide us with the best platform on this planet! Through FiveM, I’ve forged incredible friendships, and I can’t imagine my life without it.

Once again, thank you! As a society, we often rush to pass judgment, but we frequently neglect to offer the praise that’s rightfully due. I don’t intend to exaggerate or flatter anyone, but I sincerely hope the rest of the community can join me in showing their appreciation and respect to this holiday season. Let’s acknowledge the incredible team that has positively impacted our lives!

Happy Holidays, CFX! :heart: You are our heroes!

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