Handling mod not working properly

Hey guys, so I’m trying to port this handling file to a script for an ESX fivem server but it isnt causing any changes on the car handlings. I’ve attached both files on the resource, have tried multiple things like change the start order, searched through the forums for solutions but they didn’t work, even changed the manifest version multiple times to no results. The creator says the adder should be reaching 400 Km/H but I fully upgrade one and it reaches the regular GTA speed, with no changes whatsoever to the handling. Appreciate some help, feel kind of stuck.
__resource.lua (135 Bytes)
handling.meta (1.6 MB)

You also need to have your handling defined into vehicles.meta file.

First of all, thanks for the reply. That would be wierd, I’ve tested this resource and it worked fine without the vehicles.meta. I don’t like the handlings on that mod though. Mind you these are default gta cars and not addons! I’ve been trying to figure out but honestly I’m just gonna make time and try and scout the original vehicles.meta file for any errors or missconstructions and maybe build a new file. I’ll reply here if I can. If anyone else wants to reply with other solutions they are appreciated!

Ok guys good news, it’s now fixed! There’s been a new version released 2 days ago that fixed the issues present in the version I was using and now the mod works perfectly. Thanks for the help and attention anyway, and I can recomend this handling mod as it is really fun and really cool for RP servers!

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