Handle commands

What I’m tring to do

Yo, I was wondering if there is any way to handle the commands without affecting the original registered handler



local whatever = {}
RegisterCommand("savestuff", function(_, args)
  table.insert(whatever, args)


AddCommandHandler("savestuff", function(_,args)
  print("stuff saved:")
  for _,arg in ipairs(args) do print(arg) end

where AddCommandHandler is some kind of native/function that I’d like to find something similar to it.

What is the point

That kind of native/event/function would be much effective when it comes to the built-in commands
such as set, add_principal, etc…


AddCommandHandler("set", function(_,args)
  print(args[1] .. " is set to be " .. args[2]) -- "bool_convar is set to be true"

Why do I even need to do so

that would give access to unreachable stuff by default, such as player principals, as we could use the native IsPlayerAceAllowed to check the if an ace is allowed for a certain player, but we are not able to check their principals, for example we want to know if the player -who have access to fly command for example- is in gourp admin or superadmin assuming that last two groups have the access to fly command, with handle command case, we could store the changes in principals or so.

Some natives I’ve tried to use


it appears that it listens to the outputs -prined lines- and not the inputs -commands-


it was effective but it returns punch of lines that aren’t necessary, which by turn consume the memory,
and it should be called everytime to check and prase the commands, which is even worst than the previous acts, so we are in the same place.

lmk if you have any idea, thanks for your time reading this topic…