Handcuffs script - easiest and working way

All you have to do is just add into your sql database in table items :
Copy that and use this code : “
INSERT INTO items (id, name, label, limit, rare, can_remove) VALUES (0, ‘handcuffs’, ‘handcuffs’, -1, 0, 1);

After you do that you restart your server and use command /giveitem (id) handcuffs 1 (1 is amount)
Or just add handcuffs into shop and buy it
When you have them press F2 click at handcuffs / interactions / ( and you will se options ) :
Search (works when person is only cuffed)
Put into vehicle
Take out from vehicle

requestments :
-working esx_policejob

Btw sorry for my terrible English but I hope it’s understandable

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