Hako (Drift Map)

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Hako (Drift Map)


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  • Good Collisions
  • Long Thin Track
  • Vehicle Tire Marks


2916.16, 6562.36, 1865.44

{x = 2916.16, y = 6562.36, z = 1865.44}

Link To Purchase


Other Releases

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@Dexvoo why release is on here for money but also have the same map on 5mods for free ?? Hako [ADDON] [FiveM] [Single Player] - GTA5-Mods.com

your trying to charge £30 for something thats free on 5mods and also made in 2017 :rofl: oooh and not even made by you its made by aspirehd

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Is this even your work ?

its not it made by aspire hd check out the 5mod link bro its the same map lol only thing that different is he trying to charge £30 for it and it 100% free of 5mods lol

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Wtf ? Flag the post so mods will see it


already have lol

Please send a copy to moderators group for approval.

actually i have tried this gta5mods version now.

default its broken. the whole los santos is gone :smiley:

maybe its only for me.

maybe the one OP selling is a fixed version or maybe a whole different version?
well, only mods can see that.

as for the OP why its paid now bro? i am waiting for free maps :smiley:

the point is dude he still taken a map that dose not belong to him and he trying to make money off it … if he fixed it or not … he dont have the rights to be selling it

thats why i pointed it out like that.
if its the same version, its a shame for him

look at the map dude there the same lol

lool why you are trying to argue :smiley:

i dont know much about driftmaps if this is taken from some games like asseto corsa or not.

if its the same look, like for example: akina map from initial d is posted everywhere.

ofcourse similary is a chance. unless this is a whole custom map i dont have a idea.

his version

free version

im not arguing dude lol

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my whole point in this is i dont want people to be spending £30 on a map thats free and not his

i told you i tried the free one and its broken.
i know its the same map.

but like TheIndra moderator, asking for a copy,
he maybe assuming this is a whole custom map from the OP. and its just a Inspired version?

thats why he is asking a copy…

chill out , we have the same toughts, if this is a actually a free version copy, its a shame for OP.
hope you get my point :stuck_out_tongue:

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im chilled bro lol

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i dont really look when i convert maps if they are available elsewhere, is it available on the forums? Ive released free 2 maps before i didnt see you comment on there to say that i didnt make them. Ofcourse i made you idiot xD. You really think i would go out my way to release something that isnt even mine, you must be out of your mind. All i have ever seen you post is negativity and shut people down, i spent 2 days of my own time to convert this map. Think you can do better? Then learn to do it yourself.

Yes it sure is c:

yea you wasnt charging £30 for those lol

You really think i would go out my way to release something that isnt even mine, you must be out of your mind bro the map isnt even yours lol maybe come out with something you fully made and i wouldnt have to flag it you … stolen a map from 5mods and tried to sell it lol … clear what you have done lol and it kinda failed lol both maps are the same lol

clearly you are a dumb fuck.

How would i have all the source files if i just downloaded the .ytd’s and the .ybn’s. Oh yeah i have the .z3d files because i used zmodeller to convert it. Please get your facts right before you start chatting shit you have no idea about.