GSync / Freesync not working correctly in Windowed Borderless + FPS Cap issues on AMD

Hello everyone, I have noticed a few issues that were seemingly never reported. Windows 11 has introduced from quite some time a very useful option called “optimizations for windowed games” that allows all DX10 and DX11 games to use a newer flip-model presentation (same as DX12 and Vulkan)… Essentially this means that features like Auto HDR and Variable Refresh Rate now work in all DX10 and DX11 games running in Windowed Borderless, latency is also basically the same as Fullscreen Exclusive. GTA V works flawlessly in Windowed Borderless on both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs, however I can’t say the same for FiveM. Here’s what I’ve noticed:

Freesync seems to work fine in Windowed Borderless, but there’s a catch: your framerate has to be equal or above 65 FPS. I tried capping the framerate to a lower value (60) and my monitor’s OSD reports a very fluctuating refresh rate that goes from 50Hz all the way up to 144Hz (max refresh rate for my monitor). Fullscreen Exclusive doesn’t show this behaviour.
I also noticed that capping the framerate through Adrenalin or RTSS makes the game a bit choppy in both Windowed Borderless and Fullscreen Exclusive, could it be related to the ChromeBrowser subprocess? I experienced some issues with Chromium-based browser on AMD, that’s why I thought of that.
I don’t have an AMD GPU anymore, so I can’t demonstrate all these things anymore.

Here it’s much more straightforward: GSync simply isn’t engaged at all in Windowed Borderless. Frame capping through the NVIDIA Control Panel works just fine.

I’m running Client (Release Channel) B2699 Ver. 6798