
:sparkles: Features:

  • The script is highly optimized,
  • Resistant to cheating or abuse attempts by the player,
  • Allows for configuring an infinite number of delivery points.


Ylean = {}

Ylean.JobName = "gruppe6"

Ylean.Config = {
    vehicle_coords = vector4(-4.74, -670.57, 31.95, 187.08),
    vehicle_model = "stockade",

    job_guy_coords = vector4(0.11, -665.72, 31.34, 184.91),
    job_guy_model = "s_m_m_security_01"

Ylean.Salary = {
    amount = 10000,
    type = "cash" -- input "cash" or "bank"

Ylean.DeliveryPoints = { --add as many as you want :))
        coords = vector4(147.12, -1045.02, 29.37, 252.97),
        delivered = false -- do not touch
        coords = vector4(-1211.24, -335.61, 37.78, 308.9),
        delivered = false -- do not touch

Ylean.Locales = {
    main_blip_name = "Gruppe 6 Job",
    delivery_blip_name = "Delivery Point",
    start_job_label = "Start job",
    end_job_label ="Return vehicle",
    repair_vehicle_label = "Repair vehicle",
    get_cash_label = "Take out cash bag",
    job_in_progress = "Your job is currently in progress!",
    error = "Deliver one cash suitcase before taking out another one!",
    hint = "Press [E] to deliver cash",
    all_deliveries_completed = "All deliveries has been completed, return to base to return vehicle and get this bread",
    deliveries_status = "Deliveries completed: ",
    salary_received = "You've received salary of $",
    error2 = "Complete all deliveries to end your job!"

:gear: GitHub: GitHub - yunglean4171/ylean_gruppe6job: A simple FiveM script introducing the Gruppe Sechs job.

:scroll: Check out my other resources:

[STANDALONE] Heal on Kill
GeoMining - Earn by walking! [QBC & ESX]
[QBCore] Gang Wars / Turfs Takeover
Advanced AI EMS [QBCore & ESX]
[QBCore] Advanced Bitcoin System with ASIC Miners
[ESX] Betting on Hobo Fights
[QBCore] Bet on Hobo Fights
[ESX & QBCore]Advanced Loan System with Credit Score
[ESX & QBCore] ylean_delvehs - an advanced car removal resource
[ESX] ylean_noflyzones

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements target resource
Support Yes

great work man

1 Like

appreciate it man

ty for finding a bug! add this to your fxmanifest.lua:

lua54 "yes"

Solved =) , but I can’t interact with the target on the npc, would it be possible to release it for anyone to do without needing a job setting?

you cant interact because its job whitelisted, for now set Ylean.JobName to “unemployed”, in few hours ill update code so players can turn off job whitelist completely in config @PocketFace

I did this previously, I set it to police to test but it didn’t work.

please open issue at github, and exactly describe your issue with all required data (framework/have u changed anything etc.) Ill review it today at reach you out

as soon as possible I will go there

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Itd be cool to have a chance that NPCs randomly try to attack you along the route

new github fix update check now @PocketFace

thats cool idea, Ill think bout that

still not having interaction with ox_target when I try to interact with the npc, does the job setting still continue?

i’m using the latest version of ox_target and ox_lib, all other features work with this system but unfortunately for me yours doesn’t work, nothing happens when i look at the npc, i changed the setting to unemployed

have u tried restarting resource? I know bout issue with multichar, Ill post fix for multichars asap, if you restart script after joining server and choosing char it should owrk like a charm @PocketFace

I don’t use multichar, and even restarting the script it doesn’t work =(

any errors in client/server console?

no errors

after restarting a few times it worked