[GRS] Go Postal | MLO | Grillmeister-Services

Bringing the pepp into the delivery business: Go Postal finally upgraded their delivery service and moved to a new central location. Featuring a warehouse, customer service area, lockers, an office and a chill and snack area, you will find everything you could possibly need to run a delivery business.

The project is optimised to ensure the best possible performance. In addition, it is possible to fully rebrand the MLO and adjust it to your postal company - just open a ticket on the official Grillmeister-Services Discord server for the necessary 3d files.

Preview video: https://youtu.be/uQkGBWzeUj4
Get it here: https://grillmeister-services.tebex.io/package/6315875

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 0
Requirements None
Support Yes

great looking map :slight_smile:

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