Ground/Sea animals not spawning naturally anymore?

Server Version: 4230 LTS

We’ve noticed birds spawning all over the place (which is fine), but we haven’t seen any other wildlife. No cats, deer, rabbits, mountainlions… nothing. They were there briefly when we were still pre-launch, but I was curious where they went, or if we accidently disabled them.

To give more note, we want to implement hunting, and we love the idea of hikers getting cornered or attacked by ferocious animals, or driving down senora and hitting a deer, etc.

I’ve looked into the codewalker flags, but there’s no way to batch edit them - so I looked on google, and hen the forums, which haven’t yielded good info, or maybe I am unsure of what to look for.

Are naturalspawn animals enabled on FX, or did we do something wrong and disable them?


Any luck with this? Im having the same issue.

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Did you by chance disable some scenarios in script?

I don’t believe so. Is there anything i can do such as create a new script that will spawn animals in random locations and allow them to walk around?

Up, hello i got the same problem, any ideas ?

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I have the same issue and still don’t know what to do

To everybody, I finally found the issue to resolve the problem. For me it was the mapping vagos int from : TRANEdAK1nG/Vagos-Interior (
When I disable it, all animals, floor and sea comeback. I think that mapping is having a trouble and removing scenario.


I am have the same issue anyone find a fix?

How are this scenario files called?

So I know this is kinda old but it’s still happening, even without a single MLO the animals are not spawning. Between restarts they show sometimes…anyone knows why is not persistant ?

Maybe try qb-small resources look for density change scenario to 2.0

No Fix so ? damn !!!

Had similar issue in the past.
Pretty much always caused by scenario modifications.
Gabz mapping provide a scenarios you can use, this removes all animals in my experience.

Look for any .ymt files in your server, remove them and see if it helps.

If you have China Town (pio_cht) it’s removing all animals [MLO] Chinatown | FiveM custom map - FiveM Releases - Community

If you have China Town you have to remove that from fxmanifest.lua :

file “sp_manifest.ymt”
data_file “SCENARIO_POINTS_OVERRIDE_PSO_FILE” “sp_manifest.ymt” to see back the animals