Graffiti: Draw/Write/Spray Anything

Gifnew (1)

Showcase video

Tebex package link $21.99 USD

Discord support here

Graffiti with interactive minigame

Allow your players to truly express themselves in this revolutionary new graffiti script. An interactive spraying experience and freedom to draw or write any text combined with performance metrics that far pass the competitors (20 graffiti onscreen without
performance impacts) makes this script your best bet for player engagement!


  • Interactive spraying minigame where players draw graffiti onto the world
  • Up to 20 graffiti can be displayed on screen at a time and unlimited map wide
  • Sprayed graffiti on player cars will remain after taking car out of garage, driving to a new area, or the server restarting
  • Graffiti stay after restarts. They slowly degrade over time with the lifetime configurable
  • Spraycan and cleaningkit are inventory items that can be used to spray and clean graffiti
  • Write text (can enable a blacklist to restrict certain words)
  • Draw anything directly onto the surface with brush mode
  • Spray custom images or select from a predefined list
  • Rotate, scale, and position graffiti using the mouse
  • 5 fonts included by default. Easily add more.
  • Restrict total number of graffiti a player can have existing!
  • Logging through ox_logger
  • Translations: en, es, fr, de, pt

Graffiti looks good anytime anywhere

Degraded graffiti blends in!

Dependencies / Integrations

STANDALONE. No framework needed

Requires: ox_lib

For notifications, locales and logging


  • Dispatch (All major supported, easily add custom)
  • Notify resource (All major supported and ox_lib, easily add custom)
  • Gangs (rcore_gangs, qbx_core, qb-core, es_extended)


Idle 0.0ms
Placing spray 0.08ms

Tebex package link

Code is accessible No, partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2500
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes through discord

Discord support here


Amazing work! Another banger dropped back Jack!

holy shit amazing job.

To the Resmon: what resmon have the script when stand for a grafitti? also 0.0ms?


Yes also 0.00ms. If there’s 20 graffiti near you or 0 it’s still 0.00ms idle

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Okay that’s amazing. Thx for the info



The script is now standalone. Only requiring ox_lib

ox_lib is required for logging, locales, and notify (other notify resources can be used). For gang detection, I support ESX, QB, QBX, and rcore_gangs.

Fixed some bugs

  • Spraycan in players hands who arent spraying if not near the sprayer
  • Hide the player to not obscure the view while spraying
  • By default a higher opacity to make graffiti look better
  • locale for the spray menu and controls added
  • Translations available for Spanish, French, German, and Portugeuse
  • ox_inventory is NO LONGER a requirement. (Without it the durability on items will not happen)

Can spray on vehicles? o_x

Is it possible to see ingame as admin which sprays are active?

Yes !

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Not yet, but I plan to implement a menu for admins to use. For the time being, I usually just copy the contents of the graffiti_positions.json file and paste into a formatter like Best JSON Pretty Print Online to be able to read it easier.

Hey! It looks really good. Do you plan to release non-escrowed version of it? I’d like to change the UI part of the script, get rid of ox_lib, maybe add some more options for example “saved images” list etc

I do! Its something I’m working on right now (cleaning up my code for new eyes)

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Looks really good! :+1:

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can i config which job can clean the sprays?

can i config different items for different preset sprays or colors?
like a gang can spray with her “item” only her tag only in the gang colors.
or a “professional graffiti designer” in rp can to all with his item.
so i can make a “new” crime thing. who is the best graffiti sprayer or similiar

maybe cool for police… like spray particles on clothes after spray a tag and police can check this with ox target and a config item. the clothes clean after you go in water or similiar. so police can search the “bad guy” who spray on police department 1 min ago or is this the fingerprint feature?