You’re executing the script out of the wrong directory. Not sure what your directory structure is like, but you should have two directories, one for the artifacts and one for the resources. I have mine in var.
So I have: /var/FiveM/server for the artifacts /var/FiveM/server-data for the resources and server.cfg
You change directories (CD) to server-data and execute from there.
cd /var/FiveM/server-data
bash ../server/ +exec server.cfg
Your correct command would be: cd /var/FiveM/server-data
then after you cd’d over to it: /home/gta/ +exec server.cfg
i don’t know if you only made the typo in your post. but you typed “date” instead of “data”.
if this issue persists, make sure you have a license key set. having no license key set, or an invalid license key (i think invalid license key too) will cause this error.
and no, just because it starts and then crashes doesn’t mean you did it right.