Gold Panning Job | STG [QB/ESX/QBOX]

Gold Panning

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Gold Panning Preview

INGAME :framed_picture:


Key Features :gear:

Key Features

  • Realistic Gold Panning Mechanics: Players can collect water from rivers, pan for gold, and process it at a table to extract gold nuggets, creating an immersive mining experience.
  • NPC Gold Selling: Exchange gold nuggets with an NPC for in-game money at a designated selling location.
  • Dynamic Reward System: Receive a randomized number of gold nuggets after completing the panning process, keeping the gameplay exciting and rewarding.
  • Interactive Tutorial: A built-in step-by-step tutorial ensures players understand the process and can quickly get started.
  • Map Blip Markers: Clearly marked locations for gold panning spots and NPC selling points for easy navigation.
  • Table Placement System: Players can set up and remove a gold processing table, adding a layer of strategy and interaction to the activity.
  • Immersive Sound Effects: Realistic audio enhances the gold panning experience, from collecting water to discovering gold nuggets.
  • Multi-language Support: Available in English, German, French, Spanish and Custom Language to cater to a diverse player base.

Buy Via Tebex :shopping_cart:


Code is accessible There are Escrow and Source Code versions.
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1600
Polygons (model and LOD) 4000
Texture size and amount 1024x1024
Requirements QB - QBOX - ESX - ox_lib
Support Yes

wow nice idea!

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thanks :heart:

ox target?

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i will add ox target support tomorrow

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Is the table and interactions synchronized between users?

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yes synchronized.

Is your Tebex store under development? I cannot seem to find Open Source version or the category

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Hello, When you enter the script page, you can select it from the right side.