Ghost Hunting [STANDALONE]

Ghost Hunting FiveM Script 2_1

Prepare for the spine-chilling experience of a lifetime as you dive into the most terrifying horror game of FiveM! Face Unimaginable Horror. Enter Lisa’s ancestral home, a place of perpetual dread. Discover its secrets as you descent into madness and despair. Can you escape and survive the relentless pursuit?

Be careless and fall victim to its curse. Be too cautious and get caught by its owner.
One thing is sure, SHE is here for you.


  • Immersive Horror Game Experience, that will surely scare the ---- out of your players!
  • Playable in both First-Person and Third-Person (Selected at the Start Menu).
  • Customized PED/Animation, UI and Props!
  • TERRIFYING Sound Effects and Ambient Noises!
  • Highly optimized script.
  • Configurable item locations & reward for finishing the hunt.
  • Find items hidden to lift the curse and escape.
  • Hide in random lockers placed through out the house.
  • Can be triggered only at peak night time. 10pm-3am

Don’t miss your chance to embark on a journey into the heart of fear this Halloween.
Get your server a copy now!

We made one of Slapaboom testers play it!
Watch it here

Code is accessible Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2k+
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

nice but its to expensive

very expensive

Looks good :dizzy:

@KCFudge Don’t allow individuals who have no intention of making a purchase influence you to lower your price. It’s your work and you charge what you think your time is worth. They simply want something for nothing.

nice but its to expensive x2

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alot of developers that lowerd the price of a script did get more money and sales + its encrypted so no need to be so expensive…
i would by it instant for 30 - 40 and i think many others would do the same!

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