Getting maps for a pure Racing server in FiveM?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been wanting for ages to create my own racing server, if you’ve ever played MTA’s Mr Green Gaming race server then you’ll know what type of thing i’m going for. What I love about it is that everyone is doing 1 race, you can start immediately and it’s continious, almost all race servers on FiveM at the moment make you spawn in, buy a car, drive to a race checkpoint etc and it just feels like a half-baked RP server.

Before I get stuck in with it, there’s the obvious problem of the actual racing map, which is what i’m making this post about. Has there been another server that’s done something like this? Or a release that handles the map side of things? My initial thought was that I could maybe rip the GTA Online race maps and then program the checkpoint and other functionality myself, but that doesn’t seem to be possible. I’ve heard the term YMAP thrown about a little bit, where people create maps in Map editor and then convert it to a YMAP using ME2YMAP.

To handle dynamically loading the next YMAP I was thinking of using Dynamic-loading-map-fivem.

All in all, i’m asking for some pointers, resources or even any ideas I should keep in mind. Thank you for reading :slight_smile:


Is possible fine and has been done a number of times in the past, such as fivem-racing and some other attempts.

Don’t use ‘ymaps’ for dynamically-loaded maps like one’d see in race servers, instead do what R* also does i.e. spawning local (non-networked) CREATE_OBJECT props, which is also the only way to handle e.g. stunt DLC props.

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Thanks for the response, i’ve spent the day going through it and the mission JSON files are pretty interesting, just in case anyone is interested to know about it, to get the mission JSON of any Rockstar Created job go to the job page, for eg. , then just take the ID that’s in the URL after /gtav/ and put it in here: