Getting entity bone offsets, relative to the entity

I’m trying to get an entity (in this case a vehicle) bone’s local coordinates / vector, relative to the entity.
It’s easier to explain it with a picture:

I am not good at math, did anyone solve a similar issue?

local vectorTarget= GetWorldPositionOfEntityBone(vehicle, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(vehicle, 'wheel_lr'))

if you need vector coords other bone

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Thank you very much for your answer; however I’m trying to find the relative coordinates, while that native returns me the global coordinates

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Could anyone help me, the rim moves when the vehicle’s rotation changes, I want to always keep it below the steering wheel

    while true do
        local Ped = PlayerPedId()
        local TimeDistance = IsPedInAnyVehicle(Ped) and 0 or 999
        if TimeDistance == 0 then
            local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(Ped)
            local minDim, maxDim = GetModelDimensions(GetEntityModel(vehicle))
            local forwardVector, rightVector, upVector, position = GetEntityMatrix(vehicle)

            local groundOffset = vec3(minDim.x * rightVector.x, minDim.x * rightVector.y, minDim.x * rightVector.z + minDim.z * upVector.z)
            local groundPosition = position + groundOffset

            local wheelCenter = GetWorldPositionOfEntityBone(vehicle, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(vehicle, "wheel_lf")) -- cordenada da roda

            local centerX, centerY, centerZ = position.x, position.y, position.z
            local newX, newY, newZ = wheelCenter.x, wheelCenter.y, wheelCenter.z
            local displacementX = (newX - centerX) 
            local displacementY = (newY - centerY) 
            local displacementZ = (newZ - centerZ)
            DrawText3D(vec3(position.x + displacementX, position.y + displacementY, position.z + displacementZ), "Wheel") 

            DrawText3D(vec3(position.x + deslocamentoX, position.y + deslocamentoY, position.z + minDim.z), "Edge")


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