
I found on the FiveM forum a post by user Vespura about a resource that sent a message in the location where the player was.

I tried to implement it in my trash resource, but I only get the address “Spanish Avenue” as a return.


local ped = PlayerPedId()
  local x,y,z = GetStreetNameAtCoord(Config.Markers.Cloakroom.Pos)
	local streetName, crossing = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x,y,z)
  streetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(streetName)

	if crossing ~= nil then
		crossing = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(crossing)

		adress = string.format(_U('reference_mission_service', streetName, crossing))
		adress = string.format(_U('mission_service', streetName))

	exports.es_extended:drawMissionText(adress, 10000)
	-- TriggerServerEvent('sendChatMessage', drawMissionText)

Config (coordinates):

Config.GarbageCollections = {
	{type = 'Collection', size = 5.0 , name = 'collection', pos = vector3(-505.9,-1801.57,21.04)},

Can someone help me, please?

Any ideia?