GetPlayerServerId with esx_menu_dialog

Hello, I’m working on a staff menu with lua native ui and I want to create a jail and comserv item. In the resources there are examples of how to put them in police job ( I used this for the menu ) but it is about the closest player. The think is that I want to create a dialog with esx_menu_dialog to type player server id and then another dialog to add how many swipes or jail time I want him to do. I am also sending you the code. Just saying, Im new to fivem development and the code is not the best… Can you help?

  • Sorry for my bad english or bad explanation and also sorry if my topic has something wrong, It’s my first topic…

Screenshots of what I want :
The Item in the Menu : image
The first dialog that gets the id of the player you want : image
The jail minutes or swipes that you want to add to the id :image

Kind regards,


i give you an function that you can use in your code

first off all, add bellow code to first of the script:

function dialogMenu(quistionText , maxLenght )
	while true do
		AddTextEntry('quistion', quistionText )
		DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, "quistion", "", "" , "", "", "", maxLenght )
		while UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do
		local playerReplay = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()
		if ( playerReplay ~= nil ) then
			return playerReplay 

and for get value from player you just add bellow code where ever you want:

local playerId = dialogMenu('Enter Player ID:' , 6 )

don’t forget like me if this help you :sweat_smile:

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Thank you very much for responding. Im gonna try your code and let you know if it works…

Ok, so now Ive made it like that :

function SendToCommunityService(player)

--  local playerId = dialogMenu('Enter Player ID:' , 6 )

    local swipes = dialogMenu('Add Swipes:'  , 6 )

    if swipes == nil then

        ESX.ShowNotification('Invalid services count.')


        TriggerServerEvent("esx_communityservice:sendToCommunityService", player, swipes)


It says that I have been sent in ~ months of comserv but i do not have the blue sign or even the text on bottom left that says how many swipes left… Any solution?

Kind regards,

its okay
just find this in your code:

        TriggerServerEvent("esx_communityservice:sendToCommunityService", player, swipes)

and change to:

TriggerServerEvent("esx_communityservice:sendToCommunityService", playerId , swipes )
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Again thank you for your fast respond. I made my code like this :
function SendToCommunityService(player)

    local playerId = dialogMenu('Enter Player ID:' , 6 )

    local swipes = dialogMenu('Add Swipes:'  , 6 )

    if swipes == nil then

        ESX.ShowNotification('Invalid services count.')


        TriggerServerEvent("esx_communityservice:sendToCommunityService", playerId , swipes )



When I send myself to comserv, I get teleported but I cant swipe actually. I wear the clothes etc but there is not text with the left swipes I have in the bottom left and also there is an error of esx_community service :

Also everything is written in the chat :

Kind regards,

Maybe I found the error. In the Trigger I have this :
What Can I put istead of closest player to make it work?

Kind regards,


function SendToCommunityService(player)


function SendToCommunityService()

and call function by


for taht error please send me the line of error

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The errors are these :

and it says in the console that I cannot have duplicate entry…
Let me also send you my code to add anything you want yourself…
menu.lua (9.7 KB) __resource.lua (129 Bytes)

Kind regards,

this errors not Belong To that file you send!

please send me esx_comserv -> client -> main.lua file to check errors

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This error is probably happening because you are getting a string input and using it as int.
swipes are counted as int in the main scripts and probably somewhere it will compare it to a number thats why you get a error.
its probably better to protect your inputs from the player because they can write whatever they want instead of the actual server id or actual numbers.

    local playerId = dialogMenu('Enter Player ID:' , 5 )

    local swipes = dialogMenu('Add Swipes:'  ,  4)
    if not swipes or not playerId then 
     ESX.ShowNotification('Please Enter a valid Number')
    if not tonumber(swipes) or not tonumber(playerId) then
      ESX.ShowNotification('~r~ Please Enter a Valid Number')
    swipes = tonumber(swipes)
    playerId = tonumber(playerId) -- Changing Them To INT
    if swipes < 0 or swipes > 1000 then 
    ESX.ShowNotification('Please enter a number between 0-1000 for the swipes')
    if not NetworkIsPlayerActive(GetPlayerFromServerId(playerId)) then 
    ESX.ShowNotification('Please Enter a valid Server id')
    if swipes == nil then

        ESX.ShowNotification('Invalid services count.')


        TriggerServerEvent("esx_communityservice:sendToCommunityService", tonumber(playerId) , tonumber(swipes) )

i do not know anything about the CommunityService script and the event that you are triggering, i assume it works.

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Omg thank you very much. I took the code and it works very well!

Kind regards,

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