Get Vehicle Model Name

Hello, What Native would one use to get the model name(ex: “adder”) of the vehicle someone is in?

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@ImSkrt You would simply use this and pass a vehicle to the param GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(pass_veh_here))


That seems to work, but when I try to get the model for any custom vehicles I have installed, it gives me something that is not the correct mode.

This is likely because you have to set the display name for custom vehicles.

If you mean you want the label text such as Truffade Adder, simply add them in a onced call thread like so.

    AddTextEntry("veh_spawn_model", "Your Vehicles Display Name")
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Old post, but if you’re seeing this, this resource pulls from the following entry in vehicles.meta:

If you don’t see it and it’s using a default name, copy that vehicles.meta file and rename the gamename xml entry;

Good luck boiz