GENERATION Z - Zombie Survival Gamemode inspired by DayZ, Rust | Custom Scripts and Maps


GenZ is a zombie RPG survival gamemode that transforms Los Santos into an extensive post-apocalyptic wasteland. Murderous bandits roam the streets, hordes of undead hunt the living, and desperate survivors fight for their lives. There are no rules here, and your only task is to survive.

*Search for clothing, weapons, food, water, medicine, and other items in the vast, open world. Treat your injuries, maintain hydration, trade with allies, or plunder enemies… anything to stay alive. *
GenZ provides survivors with a comprehensive environment to explore, along with many other aspects such as construction, item crafting, car repairs, or even story missions.

:sparkles: Why should you try our project?
:zombie: Zombie System : Our FiveM server incorporates a dynamic and immersive zombie system that infests the game world. Players will encounter hordes of zombies as they explore, adding an extra layer of challenge and tension to the gameplay.
:people_holding_hands: Crews : Players have the option to join or create crews within the game. These crews can form alliances, engage in territorial disputes, and work together to achieve their goals in the post-apocalyptic world. Crew members can share vehicles, storages and more.
:house: Base Building : Players have the ability to construct and fortify their own bases within the game world. This feature allows them to establish safe havens, fortresses, or hideouts, enhancing their survival chances in the post-apocalyptic setting.
:hammer: Custom Crafting : Our server offers a custom crafting system, enabling players to combine various in-game items to create new and useful tools, weapons, and equipment. This feature encourages resourcefulness and adaptability.
:drop_of_blood:Extensive Injury System : The server features a comprehensive injury system, requiring players to look out for danger and maintain their health. You can break your leg when falling from a great height, get an open wound in a fight, feel pain and much more.
:red_car: Repairable Vehicles : In your server, vehicles are not just disposable assets. Players can repair and maintain vehicles they come across, ensuring that they remain functional for transportation and combat.
:busts_in_silhouette: Factions : Our server includes NPC-owned factions that players can interact with. Players have the opportunity to gain reputation with these factions through their actions and decisions in the game. As players accumulate reputation points, they can eventually join these NPC factions, unlocking unique benefits, quests, and access to faction-specific resources or equipment.
:scroll: Quests : To add depth to the gameplay experience, your server includes a variety of quests and missions. These quests provide players with objectives, challenges, and opportunities for narrative-driven adventures, adding a role-playing element to the survival aspect of the game.

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