I’m trying to find topics and/or documentation about server/host setup stuff. I am in the US and I am having a bit of a challenge selecting a host. If anyone has any US based server host suggestions, please share.
When picking a host, the Linux options are definitely cheaper. I’ve flopped around Linux before, but other than the server installation is the Unix based version any harder to work with? Including adding mods, etc?
I am also trying to figure out recommended server specs somewhere. I would like to run a decent size server (Max 25ish people) well enough to let people stream. Can that be done with a decent VPS? Or is dedicated the only way to go here?
Thanks in advance, looking forward to getting this up and running.
Installation is slightly varied with the Linux version, however once you have it going, installing resources / scripts / modifications are the same as it’s Windows counterpart. Only reason why Windows are more expensive is due to bulk licensing costs. Furthermore, a Linux flavour would mean better memory management and advanced tools on your hands.
emperorhosting.com Linux and Windows are the same price and they are definitely worth it. If you want to talk to the owner about getting windows just ask at ts.emperorhosting.com and he will install it for free. Its 27 dollars a month for a very good VPS that runs a fivem server well at full players with a lot of resources.