Gas Mask

:star2::star2::star2: This script get you a interesting feature for better Roleplay
:star2::star2::star2: WORKING GAS MASK with ANIMATION :star2::star2::star2:

:star2: | similar script are free here but:
:star2: :star2: | advanteges of paid scripts:
1. optimalized
2. full support
3. configurable
4. more realistic - with animation!

:star2:| You have two possibilities how You can use our scripts:

  1. start this scripts as single script - bad optimalization, many resources
  2. copy this scripts into our base - better optimalization, one resource

:star2:| Steps for use like a single script:

  1. Drag the folder into your server
  2. Write name of this resource into server.cfg
  3. If the script have - ImportIntoDatabase.sql - import it into database
  4. Restart the server

:star2:| Steps for adding the script into base:

  1. Copy client script named as c_firemode.lua into client folder
  2. Copy server script named as s_*.lua into server folder
  3. Write this fileS into fxmanifest.lua in our base.
  4. File- ImportIntoDatabase.sql - import it into database
  5. Restart the server

:star2:| Resmon if script is inactive: 0.00ms

:star2:| Resmon if script is active: 0.02ms - script is active only if you putting up or down the mask else is inactive

:star2:| Config:

--=== 			CREATED BY SVEJDARPA 		  ===
Config = {}
Config.ESX_enable = false											--allowing/disabling ESX, mainly for notifications, If you can enable it you must edit fxmanifest.lua
Config.Notifications = true											--allowing/disabling all notification
--=== 			REALISTIC GAS MASK	 		  ===
Config.GasMaskDetect = false										-- in main loop is detecting, if you have a mask and adding you gas protection - less realistic, CMD must be false
Config.GasMaskCMD = true											-- in main loop will be created command for using a gasmask, it was used for testing, better solution is triggerEvent and using item, autodetect MUST be false
Config.CMD = 'gasmask'												-- command for gasmask
Config.RealisticClothing = true										-- better animation for clothing - more realistic
Config.Mask1_Item = 46												-- mask_1 from skin for ITEM
Config.Mask2_Item = 0												-- mask_2 from skin for ITEM
Config.GasMasksWithoutItem = {										-- table of masks for autodetect
--------------DISPLAYED TEXT---------------------------
Config.GasMaskOnText = 'You dressed your mask'
Config.GasMaskOffText = 'You undressed your mask'
--------------Usable Client Event----------------------
-- first nil = mask clothes 1
--second nil = mask clothes 2
-- TriggerEvent('gasmask:useItem', nil, nil)
-- TriggerClientEvent('gasmask:useItem', _source, nil, nil)

function Notification(type, text)
	if Config.ESX_enable then
		if type == 'error' then
			ESX.ShowNotification("~r~"..text, true)
		elseif type == 'success' then
			ESX.ShowNotification("~g~"..text, true)
		elseif type == 'inform' then
			ESX.ShowNotification("~y~"..text, true)
		print("".. text)

:star2:| Server Config: for adding item back

--=== 		    	ADD ITEM    	 		  ===
-- not necesary to use this, but you will loose item after use it

AddEventHandler('gasmask:addItem', function(item)
    if item == 'mask' then
        print('add gas mask')
    -- Here you can trigger event which you use for adding item back into player inventory  


:computer: | Video: soon
:moneybag: | Price: 2.46€ + tax (2.98€)
:hammer_and_wrench: | Created by: Svejdarpa#4136

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

I got an Issue that my Charakter gets damage from BZ Gas Grenade, what can i do now?