Garages Error? (Help Please)

Running into an error, Can’t Figure out the cause…Causing Garage blips to disappear, works when restarted for the first time a ped takes a car out any garage.

[ script:xd_errorlog] ------------------ CLIENT ERROR IN RESOURCE: xd_garages By: JUST_TeKNeekZ
[ script:xd_errorlog] SCRIPT ERROR: @xd_garages/client/main.lua:735: vector3(…) argument 1 had type nil
[ script:xd_errorlog]
[ script:xd_errorlog] ------------------ END OF CLIENT ERROR
[ script:xd_errorlog] ------------------ CLIENT ERROR IN RESOURCE: xd_garages By: JUST_TeKNeekZ
[ script:xd_errorlog] > fn (@xd_garages/client/main.lua:735)
[ script:xd_errorlog]
[ script:xd_errorlog] ------------------ END OF CLIENT ERROR

The line in Main.lua:735 is

            local takeDistHouse = #(pos - vector3(HouseGarages[currentHouseGarage].takeVehicle.x, HouseGarages[currentHouseGarage].takeVehicle.y, HouseGarages[currentHouseGarage].takeVehicle.z))

Any help would be appreciated. (New to Dev)