Garage alternative to esx_garage

I have been trying to figure out a new way to get OWNED vehicles. Currently esx_garages is just not viable for RP, people lose their vehicles way to often, too much risk. Also if a LEO impounds the vehicles, the civ has no way to get it back which I find to be very bad for RP. I am just looking for some suggestions, even if its a menu based one. Just want something that allows players to purchase a vehicle and not fear losing their expensive cars.


esx_eden_garage should work for what you want :slight_smile:

I thought that was not available anymore? Found a post where a mod closed the eden_garage post cause the code was no longer available. If it is still available I would love to try it out.

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This is my edited version which fixes bugs and issues in default eden garage.

It requires pNotify


Awesome, thanks for the help guys, giving both of these a shot.

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It charges tons of money to repair the cars, how can I fix this so it charges them nothing?

In the config.lua you can use the price line to adjust the price for taking out of the impound

Config = {

	DrawDistance = 100,
	Price = 1500,
	BlipInfos = {
		Sprite = 290,
		Color = 38 
	BlipPound = {
		Sprite = 67,
		Color = 64 

Then in the client.lua

			if (valid) then
				TriggerServerEvent('eden_garage:debug', "vehicle plate returned to the garage: "  .. vehicleProps.plate)
				TriggerServerEvent('eden_garage:logging',"vehicle returned to the garage: " .. engineHealth)
				if engineHealth < 1000 then
			        local fraisRep= math.floor((1000 - engineHealth)*100)	

The “*100” is the multiplier for how much it will charge based on engine health, for instance if the car is damaged and has 700 health left, it will multiple that by 100 then charge that amount. I changed my down to *5 so I see a range of $1000 to about $5000 to return your car to the garage instead of like $50k I was seeing before lol


Thank you very much this is perfect for my server! :slight_smile:

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is it possible for u to make that when my vehicle is destroyed i can pay to get a new 1 for like 1500 instead of having to rejoin to get your vehicle again

can you explain what is fixed in you version and do you have a alternative for despawn privat cars

I fixed the car duping issue where if you push enter it spawns a car for every press. The price is calculated with how much the car costs and how damaged it is. but it was set that way for role play reasons as people should go to mechanics to repair the cars instead throw them in the garage for free or super cheap. some other dupe fixes were also added. And no if the car is owned by a player it goes into any garage. i did this because i gave my cops, ems, etc personal cars so they could have them in the garage


thx buddy for reply :slight_smile: and ofc thx for sharing stuff

btw still possible to duplicate cars in impund

how can i fix this SQL query:


ALTER TABLE `owned_vehicles` ADD `state` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT 'Etat de la voiture' AFTER owner

`#1060 - Duplicate column name 'state'`
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You dont have to Insert this SQL command. Because in your table owned_vehicles the column “starte” alleready exists

I’m kind of new and using esx_drp_garage, when they say add the musql to the right data base do they mean the over all data base or in a specific category? I uploaded the mysql but the cars don’t save. I see the circles to deposit the car, and take them back out but they won’t deposit in the garage. Thanks in advance.

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How do you handle car purchases?

Esx_carshop handles that. It uses their owned_vehicles table

So you’re still using sql for state. None of the Edens that I’m aware of have any additional sql other than state.

Sorry, you’re correct. I meant to say no .sql file to import to database; not no sql use at all.

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