Gangs - Territory, Wars, Tribute Zones!

I have one question about the tribute system. I can’t seem to find an answer for. So lets say I capture a tribute zone, does it show a visible zone on the map to other players that I have captured this tribute? if so does the zone remain visible until the next event?

Tribute zone owner/winner will show on /gangmap interface.
Also here,

nice work :tada:

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Great job

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Pre configured gangs as opposed to custom or created gangs?
Will there be a way to add custom gangs to this script?

Yes, sure. Add Gang & Tribute Zone | RAINMAD Documentation

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Total package right here :+1:t5:

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Thank you! Perfect. :hugs:

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Once Again You Killed It!! Sheesh!

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This script is literally a gamechanger !!!

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Update Notes:

  • Old owner of the region added to Tribute war onTributeEventStarted and onTributeEventFinished events.
  • Added “cancelTributeEvent” export to cancel the tribute war that has started.
  • Origen inventory support added.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Really cool! I’ve started working on a similar system. Whats the tech stack for the UI map? I used React + Vite and ThreeJs