GANG SYSTEM Advanced Gangs and Zones Script for RedM - VORPcore & RedemRP

:fire: Introducing the Advanced Gangs and Zones Script for RedM :fire:

:point_right: Fully Customizable! Configure gang leaders, dominion areas, gang-specific props, reward items, and more right from the config file!

:wrench: Customizable Features:

  • Gang Leaders: Specify which players are leaders of specific gangs.
  • Dominion Areas: Customize the coordinates and radius of areas that can be dominated.
  • Gang Props: Choose unique props to be placed in dominated territories.
  • Reward Items: Set up items and their amounts to be distributed as rewards.
  • Gang Guards: Define the models and number of NPCs that can be spawned.
  • Gang Allies: Customize NPC ally models that can be spawned.

:busts_in_silhouette: Member Recruitment

  • Important: The leader must join the gang first before being able to recruit other members!
  • Command to Add Members: /gang {ID} {nickname}

:triangular_flag_on_post: Area Dominion

  • Use dominion items to conquer territories. A unique prop from your gang will be placed to signal dominion.
  • Area Defense: NPCs will actively defend the area during a dominion attempt!

:timer_clock: Hourly Rewards

  • The gang with the most dominated territories receives exclusive items every hour! The leader must be online and active to claim the reward.

:handshake: NPC Assistants

  • Gang members can whistle (press H) in dominated areas to call upon NPCs who will follow and defend them.

:hammer_and_wrench: Management Menu

  • Leaders can add and remove members.
  • All members can view dominated areas and other gang members.
  • Command to Access Menu: /gangmenu

:white_check_mark: Fully optimized and built in .lua for RedM, compatible with redemrp and vorpcore.

:shopping_cart: Buy now and take your RedM server to the next level!


| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) |1000**+** |
| Requirements | Redem:RP & VORPcore and redemrp_menu_base |
| Support | Yes |


What’s the point of this script?

The only functionality in this, its the menu and the NPC shootout…

Hello! Thank you for your interest in the Advanced Gangs and Zones script for RedM. It seems there might be some key features that you might have missed in your reading. This script offers a wide range of functionalities beyond just the menu and NPC shootouts.

It allows for full customization of gangs, including setting gang leaders, dominion areas, gang-specific items, rewards, and much more. The area dominion feature is a central part of the script, where gangs can conquer territories and defend them with NPCs. Additionally, there is an hourly reward system for gangs with the most territorial dominion and an interactive system for member recruitment and gang management.

The functionality of the menu is just one part of the management, and interacting with NPCs is a dynamic aspect to enhance the gameplay experience. I recommend a re-read of the announcement for a fuller understanding of the script’s capabilities. If you have more questions or would like to discuss specific aspects, I’m here to help!