Galaxy State Roleplay ©

We are home to a semi-serious Five-M RP community that it’s main goal is to enable you to have fun but also get some serious RP going on! Our server roleplay based in the US with various departments such as highway patrol and sheriff deputies patrolling our streets to keep it under control.

There are of course civilians enabling you to make up scenarios and role-play to no limits but your imagination. We also have cops slots that Anyone!! can join and play as a cop with the opportunity to apply to our sheriff department and progress further. Our fire and EMS departments are also another amazing way to enhance your experience with us by providing life-saving care to those that need it!

As we don’t limit you to one role you can be free to move about as you please. So one moment you could be saving someone’s life and then next be running the local 24/7 shop! Gangs and other organisations can be created so please feel free to ask any one of our administrative team and we shall see what we can do for you and cater for anyone’s needs!

Please feel free to come and say hi and give it a go we might surprise you!

Server Information::rocket: Introducing [Galaxy State Roleplay] - A Quantum Leap in FiveM Roleplay
:globe_with_meridians: Website: []
:calendar: Grand Opening: [25/06/2024]
:video_game: Join the Revolution, Embrace the Future of RP!
:star2: Why Choose [Galaxy State Roleplay]?
:sparkles: Powered by QBcore: Our server runs on the cutting-edge QBcore framework, ensuring a seamless and immersive roleplaying experience.
:red_car: Custom Vehicles: Explore our vast array of meticulously customized vehicles, from sleek sports cars to rugged off-road beasts.
:house_with_garden: Unique Properties: Own your dream home or business with a wide selection of unique properties. Invest, expand, and dominate the real estate market.
:briefcase: Dynamic Jobs: Choose from a variety of jobs, each with its own unique role and opportunities for growth. Whether you’re a law-abiding citizen or a cunning criminal, there’s a path for you.
:gem: Economy on Steroids: Our advanced economy system ensures a realistic and engaging financial experience. Earn, spend, and invest wisely to climb the economic ladder.
:globe_with_meridians: Global Marketplace: Connect with players from around the world on our global marketplace. Buy and sell items, properties, and services to build your empire.
:performing_arts: Custom Clothing and Accessories: Express yourself with our extensive selection of custom clothing and accessories. Stand out in the crowd and leave a lasting impression.
:lock: Secure and Stable: Our server boasts top-notch security measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming environment. Say goodbye to disruptions and focus on the RP.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Constant Updates: We are committed to providing a dynamic and evolving experience. Expect regular updates, new features, and fresh content to keep the excitement alive.

:iphone: Connect with Us:
Discord: Galaxy State Roleplay
Server Connect: connect

Galaxy Development/Galaxy State Roleplay ©