FXServer won't start


Hello. I make a FXServer on my pc and it won’t start the FXServer.exe (i set sv_licenseKey in server.cfg) Thank you for helping.

This is probably because your server.cfg is not found, can you show the entire console output?

which console output?

From the command prompt window

sry i dont know what it is i cant good english :smiley:

The big black window with lot of text behind the error

i send it

have you gone to keymaster.fivem.net and gotten a license key?

yes i generated 3 keys and try with it and doesn’t work

You deleted your post with the image, also please show how you are launching the server and a screenshots of the folders

How old is that server artifact? that seems ancient

its a normal fxserver

Please follow the guide on https://docs.fivem.net/docs/server-manual/setting-up-a-server/ and download the latest artifact as this one is from 2018, if you still get the same error show us your runserver.bat and your server-data folder.

I had that issue too using a .bat, but when I just launched the FXServer.exe it did find the config file. Maybe try that?

u have like this on your server.cfg

license key for server (https://keymaster.fivem.net)

sv_licenseKey “”