FXServer crashes when Mumble Native ‘MUMBLE_SET_PLAYER_MUTED’ is invoked (sporadic)


Host: Windows Server 2019 (tested on two separate bare metals)
FXServer Artifact Version: Lasted Build (5473) and Lasted Recommended Build (5402)
Using txAdmin: Yes
Mumble-Server: Integrated (FXServer)
use_fxv2: Tested both on and off
lua54: yes


We switched to Mumble-Voice today and on our test environment with max. ~20-30 players connected everything went fine before deploying to our live environment. On our live servers however the servers are crashing at around ~180 connected players printing:

	Native Crash Reporting
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

	Managed Stacktrace:

in the server console.

Additional info:

The full server dump shows a call stack that is related to the server-side player mute functionallity of mumble:

Name Lang
VCRUNTIME140.dll!strstr(const char * str1, const char * str2) Line 226 C
[Inline Frame] voip-server-mumble.dll!strstr(char * const) Line 520 C++
voip-server-mumble.dll!Client_set_player_muted(int serverId, bool muted) Line 136 C++
[Inline Frame] citizen-scripting-core.dll!std::_Func_class<void,fx::ScriptContext &>::operator()(fx::ScriptContext &) Line 968 C++
citizen-scripting-core.dll!fx::TestScriptHost::InvokeNative(fxNativeContext & context) Line 325 C++
citizen-scripting-lua54.dll!__Lua_InvokeNative<0>(lua_State * L) Line 636 C++

throwing exception:

Unhandled exception thrown: read access violation.
**str1** was nullptr.

We utilize the ‘MUMBLE_SET_PLAYER_MUTED’ native to allow players to mute themself via inGame hotkeys and to mute players when they are dead, sadly there are no reproduction steps I can provide here as we can’t trigger this on our test env. with ~20-30 players or can somehow trigger this on a certain timing deployed live. Tested on 2 separate Windows Servers with different artifacts, same crash everytime.

Server-side code used to invoke native:

RegisterNetEvent('voice_*****:muteMe', function(mute)
	MumbleSetPlayerMuted(source, mute)

Full Dump

Full dump is too large to upload on here.
Link → 6.12 GB file on MEGA

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Seems like this is somehow throwing a nullptr for c->username, no clue why and when this occurs.

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This functionality apparently was added by a pull request and I guess I missed this in review:

Will add this to the investigation queue, likely incorrect iteration.

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Thank you for the quick response!

Probably the getter function is also affected as it uses the same iteration logic, untested though.

(was also added in the PR you mentioned)

Could this be related to not locking g_mumbleClientMutex


Consistent reproduction for the crash

function mute(source)
    MumbleSetPlayerMuted(source, not MumbleIsPlayerMuted(source))

    while true do
        for i = 1, 100000 do
            for source, _ in pairs(GetPlayers()) do

Run this on the server before you start your client, after fully connecting the server will crash


Looks like c->username can be null right on client creation which would cause the server to crash if you hit this perfectly


Fixed with