Fxmanifest.lua how to set up

Hi everyone. I am writing because I have some maps to add into my server
and with the script __resource.lua it’s not working.

resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’

this_is_a_map ‘yes’

I tried to look for a solution and I found I am using an ancient resource manifest version for the maps that doesn’t seem to work, the new one is fxmanifest but I don’t know how to set up it:

-- Resource Metadata
fx_version 'cerulean'
games { 'rdr3', 'gta5' }

author 'John Doe <j.doe@example.com>'
description 'Example resource'
version '1.0.0'

-- What to run
client_scripts {
server_script 'server.lua'

-- Extra data can be used as well
my_data 'one' { two = 42 }
my_data 'three' { four = 69 }

-- due to Lua syntax, the following works too:
my_data('nine')({ninety = "nein"})

-- metadata keys can be arbitrary
pizza_topping 'pineapple'

If someone could help me please?


Hey! :wave:
If you follow the page, you will find all the options for the fxmanifest.lua, including this_is_a_map (Like the old one too).

Solution (filename: fxmanifest.lua):

fx_version 'cerulean'
game 'gta5'

author 'John Doe' -- optional 
description 'Here could be your advertising' -- optional 
version '1.0.0' -- optional 

this_is_a_map 'yes'

The standard things like client_script(s), server_script(s), ui_page or files have remained identical, if I’m not wrong.

I hope I could help you.


thank you so much, I tried to do like this but I don’t know it’s not working…
This is the ymap file that I’m trying to upload
ArchitectDesignHousev2.1.map.xml (780.0 KB)

Hello again

Well, the file is not yet a complete ymap either. It is a ymap.xml and you must first import this into OpenIV as OpenFormats, then a .ymap is generated there that you can export and you can simply pack this in the ‘stream/’ directory.

I have now done this once and everything works wonderfully for me.
Preview | Download

There is also some information in the forum here on how this works exactly. Alternatively, search YouTube for “openiv xml to ymap” or similar.

Also excuse my bad English…

Thank you, this helped me so much!

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