FxManifest.lua error in scripts

Hi, I have a problem, I’m setting up my own server in FiveM for a friend, I added some cars/scripts and I have a problem with the trainer not working (now I only have a regular one, then I’ll put a better one on the server) and this problem it says even with some cars I just turn on the server, and I want to spawn a car through the trainer (I know I can do it through /tx but I can’t edit the car through /tx) and the trainer doesn’t want to load for some reason and in the console it says SCRIPTNAME or CAR does not have a resource manifest (fxmanifest. lua) more here


Just read it, every resource in fivem needs to have a fxmanifest.lua / __resource.lua (outdated).

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I know that I need the resources (fxmanifest.lua) and i dont have any template at the moment. Do you know where I can download a template? Thanks!

This is the fivem documentation about the manifest
This is the template I use

fx_version 'cerulean'

game 'gta5'

lua54 'yes'

description 'description'

version '1.0.0'

author 'Your Name / Team Name'

client_script "client.lua"

server_script "server.lua"
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Ok bro, thank you very much :smile:

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and can i delete the resources.lua when i have new folder: Fxmanifest.lua ???

You can replace it

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