FXC Converter Tool | Dev Resource

Thought it might be useful to some people so i’m releasing this :slight_smile:

Unpack and repack .fxc shader files for Grand Theft Auto 5 with ease


:wrench: Unpack .fxc Files: Extract embedded shader files from .fxc containers.

:package: Repack .fxc Files: Repack .fxc files with modified shader data, applying custom patches.

Installation :hammer:

Pre-built Binaries

Download the latest release from our GitHub Releases page.

Building from Source (Rust) :star:


See github README


Main UI

Some example shaders (Some included as examples.)


Example Shaders

The /example-shaders/ directory contains example shaders, including a demonstration of normal rendering from the g-buffer in directional.fxc. This can serve as a starting point for your own shader modifications.


We welcome contributions, issues, and feature requests! Check out our issues page


What are some applications for this? I’m pretty ignorant to this file type and in 4 years of working on FiveM, I’ve never heard of this?

Would you mind educating us, the un-initiated?

Basically it allows the editing of base game hlsl shaders without the need of something like reshade

It’s a very specific tool for perhaps someone who might need to do such a thing :slight_smile:
(it could enhance client side “graphics” mods for example)

Would it be possible for you to create and post a “before and after” style video to help illustrate the utility of the tool?

I know this is a bit of an inconvenience, but this sounds really interesting and a video like that would help establish a sense of value for the tool for those, again, that are a bit ignorant, thank you!

In the post there are two videos attached, the weird effects is due to hlsl shaders :slight_smile:
if you’d like to quickly test them you can simply put one or the other of the fxc-converter/example-shaders at master · gtasnail/fxc-converter (github.com) .fxc files inside of FiveM.app\citizen\common\shaders\win32_40_final if that folder tree doesn’t exist just make the folders :slight_smile:


For example the directional.fxc will have this effect (Normal rendering Normal mapping - Wikipedia)

the ped.fxc renders a rainbow gradient over the screen size and renders it on ped skin

I assume these files can’t be streamed by the server and need to be manually installed by the client?

Nonetheless, great work!
I’ve dabbled quite a bit in hlsl and might take a closer look here :slight_smile:

I haven’t tested if they can be streamed, i would doubt it though and thanks :slight_smile:

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Another awsome work from @Kypos :four_leaf_clover:

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Quick tutorial video on how this works because i would say it’s sorta weird to mess with lol

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