Full Weapon Attachments - Scopes, Skins, Muzzles, Supressors, Grips etc

yesterday i created something based on eden_accesories, much more attachments to weapons
-small scopes
-medium scopes
-large scopes
-all skins to meelee
-so much skins to weapons (zebra, skull, etc)
as items to use from inventory
feel free to edit/add something more

esx_attachments_bleiker.rar (5.7 KB)


Nice Script, one quick question, what is the name of the hud called? I saw it on many servers, but i just cant find it. Would you mind share the ui?


Dayum from the screens it looks really :fire::fire:

this hud is old uploaded from soboedy script on github, i found and edited a long time a go, im not sure would like to share it sorry bro :*

Please man, you would help me. I saw it on so many servers, i can give you credit or something idk. We would edit it.

Its working some what. I can add a scope but when i put my gun away the scope get removed and when i try to put it on again it says its already used.

Im using this inv script -> [Deprecated] [ESX] Disc-InventoryHUD

Can you add a refresh option in the script so when you put a weapon in a trunk it resets the data.

Having the same problem after putting the gun an scope in a trunk.

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where can i get that hud??

Read before asking questions…

to save attachments to weapons when you lost weapon (in truck) i think good option is a table on sql for every weapon

can Share status bar ? thanks

its esx_customui customeui all he did was remove the hud and change the color of the status circles its not hard to do.
also read before posting he said hes not sharing

You mean can’t share it.

i have but i not a heal barUntitled

This is not his. This resource was on github a week ago. He just made the squares to circles. (talking about health/thirst/hunger/voice hud)

VRP please

Our country uses only vrp.

thanks works perfectly, i translated all files and references to english and tested on my server they all work. if anyone wants the eng translation and if its ok with the author i can share it.

Thanks for this release it helped a lot adding the weapon attachments tints and camos to vrp.

Hi, do you have plans to share it? Looks pretty good. :slight_smile:

Google esx_custumui

You’re happy to upload someone elses script just not one you actually want…

How about you give credit to the guy who originally made this script.