Fuksus-Loading - Modern loading screen for your project

Loading Screen

Modern & interactive loading screen with news and team members pages, music player, Discord integration and static or video background options.

Features [v1.0]

  • On the About page, you can provide basic information about the project.
  • Discord server integration.
  • You can post news or updates on the news page.
  • On the team page, you can display your project staff, including their Discord tags, which can be copied by players.
  • You will also find an interactive and cool music player where you can choose the song you want.
  • Our script allows users to choose between a video or static background.
  • You will also find a config file where you can easily change the information, add news and link the Discord server.
  • This is open source script, you can customize as you want.

Make sure the widget is enabled on your Discord server. Otherwise the integration of Discord members will not work.


:video_camera: You can check how it looks in resource preview video

Tebex ( 10€ + taxes | The first 10 customers will receive a 10% discount with the code FIRST10

Purchase at TEBEX

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~160
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

:link: fuksus-bank + crypto investments
:link: fuksus-houserobberies [ESX/QB]


Looks great! :purple_heart:

A little question, the News sections; how it works? You will need to modify the resource or can take the information from somewhere (like github)?

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Thank you! :white_heart:

The .html file is where you can edit the news page, while the .js file is responsible for customizing Discord integration, team members, and music.

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