[FREE] Z - Loading Screen

[EN] This loading screen is designed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript elements, allowing for great flexibility in terms of design and customization. The code includes a set of default messages that are displayed in the center of the screen and are automatically changed every 10 seconds. These messages can be easily edited and replaced to suit specific needs. This can be done equally with the wallpapers.

[ES] Esta pantalla de carga está diseñada con elementos HTML, CSS y JavaScript, lo que permite una gran flexibilidad en términos de diseño y personalización. El código incluye un conjunto de mensajes predeterminados que se muestran en el centro de la pantalla y se cambian automáticamente cada 10 segundos. Estos mensajes se pueden editar y reemplazar con facilidad para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas. Esto se puede hacer por igual con los fondos.

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Lines (approximately) +250
Requirements No
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nice, but this screen doesnt end, im connected and all but im always in this screen.

Do you get any error or something similar? It works fine on my server.

Also happens on my end.
Even after the game stops loading the screen stays up and only way to quit is via the console.
Found any fix to it?

I have the same issue, once the game is loaded, the loading screen stays up.